Work area 456 is in the fix state. After the fix record is reactivated, Alex will check out
optics.c from this work area to reconcile the differences.
Reactivating the fix record
Currently, the fix record for work area 456 is in the complete state. Alex must reactivate
the fix record to move it back to the active state so that he can make the necessary
changes to optics.c. He does one of the following:
From the GUI, he:
1. Selects Records → Fix records → Activate from the Actions pull-down menu on the
Tasks window.
2. Types 456 in the Work areas field and selects robot_control from the Releases
field and optics from the Component field.
3. Selects OK.
From a command line, he issues the following command:
teamc fix -activate 456 -release robot_control -component optics
The fix record returns to the active state.
Refreshing the work area
Alex now needs to refresh his work area with the parts that are already in driver 0105.
He does one of the following:
Figure 34. Activate Fix Records window
90 User’s Guide