This action places a copy of the part brain.exe in the current directory.
Checking out the part one more time
Alex then downloads brain.exe to his robot, runs his test, and determines that the
modification did not work: the robot slams into the wall. However, Alex thinks he knows
what the problem is, so he needs optics.c for further modifications. First, he checks out
the part.
From the GUI, he:
1. Does one of the following to display the Check Out Parts window:
v Selects Parts → Check out from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks
v Selects the entry on his Tasks window that displays the list of parts, and then
selects the part.
v Re-opens the Parts window if it was minimized, and then selects the part.
2. When the Check Out Parts window appears, he types the necessary information
and selects OK.
From a command line, he issues the following command:
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310
A copy of the previously modified optics.c from work area 310 is checked out and
placed in the current directory.
Figure 14. Check Out Parts
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 63