Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)
Environment variable Purpose Flag Setting Used by
NLSPATH Specifies the search path for
locating message files.
NLS path Client, family
PATH Specifies where tcadmin is to
search for the family create
Client, build
server, family
TC_BACKUP Controls whether or not the
following commands create
backup files. If this
environment variable is set to
off or OFF, the commands do
not create backup files.
v builder -extract
v part -checkout
v part -extract
v part -merge
v part -reconcile
Family server
TC_BECOME Identifies the user ID you want
to issue TeamConnection
commands from, if the user ID
differs from your login. You
assume the access authority of
the user ID you specify.
-become Become
Client, build server
(except mvs)
TC_BUILDENVIRONMENT Specifies the build environment
name, such as OS/2 or MVS.
The value you specify here can
be anything you like, but it
must exactly match the
environment specified for a
builder in order for the builder
to use this build agent. This
value is case-sensitive.
-e Build server
TC_BUILDMINWAIT Minimum amount of time to
wait (in seconds) between
queries for new jobs. Default
setting is 5, minimum setting is
Build server
228 User’s Guide