v Tracks build times of inputs and outputs so that it builds only those parts that are out
of date themselves or that have out of date dependents. You can also force a build
regardless of the build times.
v Enables you to spread the build over multiple machines running at the same time or
into multiple processes running on a single machine, such as on MVS.
For more information, see “Part 4. Using TeamConnection to build applications” on
page 127 .
is any of the steps necessary to distribute software and data onto the
machines where they are to be used. TeamConnection includes two tools that you can
use to automate the electronic distribution of TeamConnection-managed software and
Gather An automated data mover for server or file transfer-based distribution.
Tivoli Software Distribution
A bridge utility that automates the installation and distribution of software or
data using Tivoli as the distribution vehicle.
For more information, see “Part 5. Using TeamConnection to package products” on
page 199
Roles people play
Because TeamConnection is extremely flexible, no two projects are likely to use it in the
same way, and the jobs that people perform likewise vary. Still, TeamConnection tasks
can be grouped into the following general categories:
System administrator
access to the family server and database administration access
to the database management system. This administrator is responsible for the
v Installing and maintaining the TeamConnection server
v Maintaining and backing up the database used by TeamConnection
Note: On UNIX systems, the system administrator must also have root access
to the host machine.
Family administrator
Has superuser access to the family server and database administration access
to the database management system. This administrator is responsible for the
v Planning and configuring TeamConnection for one or more families
v Managing user access to one or more families
12 User’s Guide