v Abstain if unable to assess the results
Once all test records have been accepted or abstained, the states of other
objects change as follows:
v Work areas - Go to complete state.
v Defects and features - Go to verify state if the component includes the
verifyDefect or verifyFeature subprocess; otherwise they go to the closed
v Verification records - Go to ready state and are sent to the defect or
feature originators.
If the test subprocess is not configured, then work areas move to the complete
state and any defects or features move to the verify state.
If the component includes a verifyFeature or verifyDefect subprocess,
verification records move to the ready state and notification is sent to the
originators of any defects or features that were addressed in the completed
The commit and complete states of drivers differ as follows:
v When a driver is committed, all work areas are committed, but no changes
occur in the states of defects or features associated with the work areas.
v When a driver is completed, then the states of other associated objects
(such as test records, work areas, verification records, defects. and
features) change according to the other subprocesses in effect:
– test - Work areas go to the test state and test records are created in the
ready state for each environment in the release’s environment list.
– verify - Verification records go to the ready state.
If the release includes neither of these subprocesses, then the work area
goes to the complete state and all features and defects associated with the
work area are closed.
Verification and test records
If you use both the verify component subprocess (verifyDefect or verifyFeature) and the
test release subprocess, then TeamConnection creates both verification records for
features or defects and test records for each environment defined in the release’s
environment list. These records serve different purposes:
v Verification records provide a means of accepting or rejecting the product changes
made in response to defects or features and are thus specific in nature.
v Test records provide a means of accepting or rejecting the results of a build and are
more global in nature.
Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects 49