Special Characters
/Ft(dir) builder parameter 157
Accept Defects window 52
Accept Test Records 96
Activate Fix Records 90
Add Driver Members 88
approval command
approving a fix 82
Approval Records window 81
approve state 45
basic 26
build 177
for checking in parts 34
for checking out parts 33
for extracting parts 33
build action 7
build administrator 13
build agent
installing on separate machines 137
startup file, creating 144
stopping 145
build environment 149
build event
criteria used to determine success 150
defining multiple outputs from one event 195
definition of 130
timeout setting 150
with VisualAge C ++ templates 157
build function
authority 177
building a driver 92
canceling a build 194
collector part 196
concepts of 129
creating an MVS build server 137
definition of 11
diagram showing physical structure of 129
features of 129
installing 137
installing an MVS build server 137
monitoring build progress
using Build Progress window 192
using part -viewmsg command 192
object model 132
startup files, creating 144
testing part updates 83
build mode 190
Build Parts window 60
build pool
specifying when starting build 190
build scripts
at work 191
debug variable 153
definition of 130
for MVS
compile example 168
definition of 159
file name conversions 164
link example 171
steps for working with 147, 159
supported JCL syntax 165, 166
writing 163
for OS/2 150
modifying contents of 155
samples shipped 305
testing 154
timeout of 150
writing 153
writing an executable file for 153
build server
creating for MVS 137
installing 137
installing on separate machines 137
starting MVS 141
startup file, creating 144
stopping 145
timeout setting 150
build target 190
build tree
creating 184
display of 188
example of 134
multiple outputs from single event 195
setting up for packaging
for the gather tool 202
setting up for packaging 202
versions of 134
working with 133
connecting builder to its parts 156
creating a builder 148, 154
extracting a builder 155
modifying builder contents 155
connecting to parts 155, 178
creating a null builder 149, 196
definition 130
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998