For this action These users have authority These users are notified
v Defect owner can modify:
– answer, abstract, environment, driver, prefix,
reference, release, and all configurable fields
v Defect originator can modify:
– originator, severity, name, abstract, environment,
driver, prefix, reference, release, and all
configurable fields
v Explicitly defined for the component associated with
the defect, these users can modify:
– abstract, answer, name, environment, driver,
originator, prefix, reference, release, severity,
phaseFound*, phaseInject*, priority*, symptom*,
and target*
*If these fields have been configured by the family
administrator, the field names might differ from
those shown.
Defect owner, defect originator,
duplicate defect originators,
DefectOpen Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be
performed by all users in the family
Component owner, subscribers
v Defect originator
v Explicitly defined for the component associated with
the defect
Defect owner, defect originator,
duplicate defect originators,
v Defect owner
v Explicitly defined for the component associated with
the defect
Defect originator, duplicate defect
originators, subscribers
v Defect owner
v Explicitly defined for the component associated with
the defect
Defect owner, defect originator,
duplicate defect originators,
v Defect owner
v Explicitly defined for the component associated with
the defect
Defect owner, defect originator,
duplicate defect originators,
282 User’s Guide