Integrating changed parts into a release
The changes that Alex has made are now ready to be put into the next set of changes
scheduled to be integrated with the release. This set of changes is known as a
A driver named 0105 currently exists, and several driver members have already been
added to the driver. Therefore, the driver is in the integrate state.
Adding a driver member
Carol, the project lead, adds work area 456 as a
driver member
of driver 0105:
From the GUI, she:
1. Selects Drivers → Add driver members from the Actions pull-down menu on the
Tasks window.
2. Types the following:
v 0105 in the Driver field
v robot_control in the Release field
v 456 in the Work areas field
3. Selects OK.
From a command line, she issues the following command:
teamc driverMember -create -driver 0105 -workarea 456 -release robot_control
Figure 32. Add Driver Members window
88 User’s Guide