From a command prompt, you can issue the following command to view the component
teamc report -view -raw bCompView -where "name='root'"
Authority to perform tasks
As a TeamConnection user, you are automatically given the authority to perform some
basic tasks. You can:
v Open defects and features
v Add notes to existing defects and features
v Modify the information for your user ID
v Display information about any user ID
for information within TeamConnection to create reports
You receive authority to perform additional actions when you become the owner of a
TeamConnection object, such as a component or a part, or when authority is explicitly
given to you by the component owners.
If you attempt an action that you do not have authority to do, TeamConnection tells you
so. When this happens, you can ask the component owner, the family administrator, or
a user with superuser authority to grant you the necessary authority.
Figure 5. Components window
26 User’s Guide