
Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between each object in the
TC_OUTPUT list and this list of types (TCPart, for example).
The name of the work area in which the build is being performed.
You can define other variables. These can be set when you start the build by
specifying a value for parameters in the part -build command (from the
command line or through the GUI). These variables are set in the parameters
string passed to the build script.
These variables are also used to set environment variables before the build
script is invoked.
As attributes of a part in the build tree
Parameters that are unique to a particular part are specified on the part -create
and part -modify commands. Like the builder parameters, these parameters
allow variable substitution.
When parameters are specified for a part, these parameters are used
in place
of the parameters specified for the builder. In other words, if both builder and
part parameters are specified, the part parameters take precedence.
In addition, whenever parameters are specified for
part that is an output of
a build event, they apply to
the outputs of that build event. For example, if a
build event has two outputs, msg.exe and msg.map, then changing the part
parameters to /Debug for either of the two parts has the same result. The
next time the build event is processed, the /Debug parameter is used when
invoking the build script that produces both msg.exe and msg.map.
You can also substitute the builder parameters into the file parameters by
using the variable $(BUILDERPARMS). For example, you might use the
following command:
teamc part -build myfile.c -parameters "/Ti+ $(TC_BUILDERPARMS)" ...
At build time, the parameters specified in the builder for myfile.c are
substituted for $(TC_BUILDERPARMS).
As parameters of the part -build command
The part -build command parameters are not used the same way as the other
two parameters. Instead, these parameters are used to set the values of
environment variables that can be used for substitution into either the builder
or part parameters. They are also set in the environment so they can be
retrieved by the build script. In other words, they set up the environment used
by the builder.
For example, if you issue a part -build command for msg.exe, you can specify
-parameters DEBUG=YES and, inside of both the compile and link build scripts,
retrieve the value of this variable from the environment, setting compiler or
linker flags accordingly.
152 User’s Guide