After you attach a parser to a part, it is ready for action. The next time the part is
checked in, when a part is created, or when the parser is attached, the parser will
invoke its command file, which will report back a list of dependencies.
Using a parser does not keep you from defining dependencies manually by using the
GUI or the part -connect command. If you explicitly define a dependency in this way,
the dependency is not deleted unless you delete it, regardless of whether the parser
would recognize it as such.
For more information about attaching parsers to the build tree, refer to “Creating the
build tree for the application” on page 184.
Removing a parser from a part
If you no longer want to use a parser to determine dependencies for a part, do one of
the following:
v From the GUI, select Parts → Modify → Properties from the Actions menu of the
TeamConnection Tasks window. On the Modify Part Properties window, type null in
the Parser field.
Chapter 14. Working with parsers 179