v -s sends log file messages to the screen.The build server generates a log file called
teamcbld.log. Build server log messages can be routed to the screen using the -s
v -n writes files:
– writes the changed environment variables to a file called tcbldenv.lst instead of
setting them in program’s environment. The format of the file is variable=value.
– writes the list of input files to a file called tcbldin.lst. One file per line, format is
pathName type.
– writes the list of output files to a file called tcbldout.lst. One file per line, format is
pathName type.
You can also set the -s and -n build options using the TC_BUILDOPTS
environment variable.
Two environment variables that directly affect build performance are:
v TC_BUILDMINWAIT - Minimum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between queries
for new jobs. Default setting is 5, minimum setting is 3.
v TC_BUILDMAXWAIT - Maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between
queries for new jobs. Default setting is 15, maximum setting is 300.
The command teamcbld will check the family for work to do every TC_BUILDMINWAIT.
If it is not busy it will slow down to the TC_BUILDMAXWAIT time. The build
administrator can adjust these variables to tune the frequency that the build server will
check the family.
Starting an MVS build server
The MVS build server is a special client to the family server. It uses a user ID that must
be defined to the family server. Depending on the authentication level in effect, a host
list entry must be created for the user, and, if password authentication is required, the -l
parameter must be used to specify the password when starting the build server.
The user ID used by the build server is the TSO user ID under which the build job is
started. The user ID must always be in uppercase and must be created in uppercase
on the family server. The user ID is not determined by the TC_USER environment
You can start the MVS build server program TEAMCBLD, in Batch or under TSO. The
RUNPGM JCL executes the MVS build server in batch. The RUNPGMT JCL executes
the MVS build server under a TSO environment.
The following summarizes the actions to run the build server on MVS:
Modify the RUNPGM JCL for your installation.
Modify the environment variable dataset as needed. Two environment variables that
directly affect build performance are:
Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers 141