Creating the build tree for the application...............184
Starting the build on the client ..................189
Putting the build scripts to work ..................191
Finishing the job and reporting the results to the user ..........192
Monitoring the progress of a build .................192
Running a build in spite of errors .................193
Building all parts, regardless of build times ..............193
Finding out which parts will be built ................194
Canceling a build ......................194
More sample build trees ....................195
Defining multiple outputs from a single build event ..........195
Synchronizing the build of unrelated parts.............196
Part 5. Using TeamConnection to package products............199
Chapter 16. Using TeamConnection to package a product ........201
Setting up your build tree for packaging ...............202
Setting up a build tree for the gather tool..............202
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool ................205
Using the teamcpak command for the Gather tool............205
Command line flags.....................206
Examples of the teamcpak gather command ............208
Writing a package file for the Gather tool...............208
Syntax rules for a Gather package file...............208
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool .....215
Using the teamcpak command with Tivoli Software Distribution .......215
Command line flags.....................216
Example of the teamcpak softdist command.............217
Writing a package file for Tivoli Software Distribution ...........217
Syntax rules for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file ........217
Keywords for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file .........218
Problem determination for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool ........220
Sample package file .....................221
Part 6. Appendixes ..........................225
Appendix A. Environment Variables................227
Setting environment variables ..................234
Appendix B. Importing makefile information into TeamConnection .....235
Creating a rules file ......................237
Appendix C. TeamConnection Merge ...............239
Appendix D. Enabling an OS/2 Workframe project for TeamConnection 241
Creating a TeamConnection-enabled Workframe project..........241
Contents vii