Activate Reconcile
The Notes Integrated Database feature provides a reconciliation facility that
synchronizes the data in the TeamConnection family and the Notes databases
that use it. The reconciliation facility is an agent that should be run regularly.
The reconciliation facility can be run on an established schedule that you set
or manually when needed. We suggest that the reconciliation facility be set up
to run after your regular TeamConnection build completes, so that you will
have the latest document states reflected.
Note: See “Performing reconciliation” on page 118 for additional information
about setting up and initiating the reconciliation facility.
Defects and Features
During reconciliation you can choose to have the TeamConnection defects and
features that are in the cancel state deleted from the Notes database.
Log Document Options
You can choose to have the log that is created during reconciliation mailed to
database users and/or stored in the database itself.
Advanced customization
The template that integrates TeamConnection and Lotus Notes was designed for
maximum flexibility. The Setup document allows considerable database customization
without requiring any skills in Notes database design. For users that wish to further
customize their TeamConnection/Lotus Notes database to use customized Forms
(Forms define the layout of Notes documents), so their documents are suited to the
specific needs and requirements of their organization, it is possible to do this and still
retain all the base functionality of the template. At a minimum this requires basic
knowledge of Notes Forms design and Designer authority on the Notes database.
The customizable forms in the TeamConnection/Notes databases are called
subform is a form that is contained in a form. One or more subforms might make up a
complete form that defines the layout of document. A default subform is supplied by
IBM for each document that is supported. It is dynamically loaded when the main form
is loaded.
For example, in a requirements database, the main form known as Document A loads a
subform called fhcSm.A.Requirements. This subform has all the detail definition of a
requirement. Document A has base document definition that is common to all
Each document allows for several User subforms to be defined and used in addition to
or in place of the IBM subform. A user subform can be defined that specifies the layout
and content that more closely matches your organization than the corresponding IBM
subform. A user subform is automatically loaded. The IBM subform is also loaded by
default but this can be disabled using Setup. User subforms exist for most primary
forms and help forms.
Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and Advanced Customization 125