Customer support
Your options for IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server support, as
described in your License Information and Licensed Program Specifications, include
electronic forums. You can use the electronic forums to access IBM VisualAge
TeamConnection Enterprise Server technical information, exchange messages with
other TeamConnection users, and receive information regarding the availability of fixes.
The following forums are available.
v IBM Talklink
Use the TEAMC CFORUM. For additional information about TalkLink, call:
– United States 1-800-547-1283
or go to:
– http://www.ibmlink.ibm.com/talklink
v CompuServe
From any ! prompt, type GO SOFSOL, then select TeamConnection. For additional
information, call 1-800-848-8199.
v Internet
– Go to the IBM homepage, http://www.ibm.com. Use the search function with
keyword TeamConnection to go to the TeamConnection area.
– Use ftp and login as anonymous to ftp.software.ibm.com. In the directory
ps/products/teamconnection you can find fixes and information related to
VisualAge TeamConnection.
If you cannot access these forums, contact your IBM representative.
There are several other support offerings available after purchasing IBM VisualAge
TeamConnection Enterprise Server.
v If you live within the U.S.A., call any of the following numbers:
– 1-800-237-5511 to learn about available service options.
– 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) to order products or get general information.
– 1-800-879-2755 to order publications.
v Contacting IBM outside of the United States
For information on how to contact IBM outside of the United States, see Appendix A
of the IBM Software Support Handbook, which can be located by selecting the
″Service Offerings″ item at: http://www.ibm.com/support.
Note: In some countries, IBM-authorized dealers should contact their dealer support
structure instead of the IBM Support Center.
IBM Lotus Passport Advantage Program
For more information on the IBM Lotus Passport Advantage volume licensing program
which provides customers with a series of contract offerings under which they can
acquire licenses, software subscriptions, and support, go to:
v http://www.lotus.com/passportadvantage
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