Log file
Check the file name you specified in the LOGFILE keyword for error
Mail Check Tivoli mail messages generated during the distribution.
-k option
Run the teamcpak command with the -k option to keep the package file after
the distribution has been run. This allows you to reprocess a distribution from
the Tivoli GUI and test variations.
-x option
Run the teamcpak command with the -x option to leave any distributed files on
the target.
Trace facility
Run teamcpak with the trace facility. Use this facility only under guidance of an
IBM service representative. See the
Administrator’s Guide
for more
The following message displays when a Tivoli Software Distribution command fails
during a distribution.
6022-303 Tivoli/Software Distribution %s command failed with return code: RC.
To correct problem use:
- package file parameters LOGNODE and LOGFILE to record Tivoli output,
- packaging option "-k" to keep Tivoli File Package and teamcpak log file
or "-m" to ignore input errors,
- packaging option "-x" to not clean up files that are distributed,
- TeamConnection Trace facility (see TeamConnection Administration Guide)
- or Tivoli Trace facility (see Tivoli documentation)
Sample package file
The following is an example of scripts and items required to automatically execute
packaging, distribution, and installation of files in a AIX-based system.
v The teamcpak command syntax that will execute subcommands or scripts for the
package, distribute, and install functions.
teamcpak -i -o "-a -n -t" softdist Client.lst
v The Client.pkf file you create containing keywords and parameters for distributing
and packaging functions.
(TARGETROOT /user/local/teamc/images)
(MANAGER Distribi)
(NODES perlovrs tcaix02)
(INSTALLPGM /tivoli/fpTeamcAIX/tcinstall.ksh)
(LOGNODE tcaix00)
(LOGFILE /tmp/fpTeamcAIX.log)
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool 221