Changing defect ownership
Because Carol is the component owner, she is currently defined as the owner of defect
456. But the problem is in Alex’s code, so she wants him to own the defect. To reassign
ownership, she does one of the following:
From the GUI, she:
1. Selects Defects → Modify → Owner from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks
window. The Modify Defect Owner window appears.
2. Types 456 in the Defects field and types Alex’s user ID, alexm,intheNew owner
3. Selects OK.
From a command line, she issues the following command:
teamc defect -assign 456 -owner alexm
Alex is now the owner of defect 456. He is responsible for fixing the problem and
moving the defect through its various states.
Figure 24. Modify Defect Owner window
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 79