
Chapter 14. Working with parsers
This chapter describes how to create a parser. It assumes that you have read
“Chapter 10. Basic build concepts” on page 129.
Consider the task of defining and maintaining a build tree. One of the more
time-consuming, and error-prone, portions of this task is defining the dependencies that
one TeamConnection part has on others.
For example, if hello.c includes hello.h, you need to define hello.h as a dependency of
hello.c in the build tree. That sounds simple enough, but imagine a real application in
which there are hundreds of dependencies and the dependencies have dependencies.
Defining such a tree becomes very difficult; maintaining it, even more so.
To solve this problem and automate some of the work of defining and maintaining a
build tree, you can instead use a parser object. The task of a parser is to inspect
source code to determine dependencies. TeamConnection verifies all parser
dependencies when the user creates or checks in the part and again during build.
TeamConnection will add all parser dependencies that it can find and, for build, update
them as needed. In the previous example, a parser can inspect hello.c, recognize that it
has a dependency on hello.h, and create that dependency in the TeamConnection build
Because parsers are language-dependent, you probably need a different parser for
each language you use in a particular release. For example, you might have both a
COBOL parser and a C parser in a release. Many parts in the release can use the
same parser.
Usually a TeamConnection administrator defines parsers, but anyone with the proper
authority can do so. For more information about the required authority, see Appendix I.
Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions.
Creating a parser
As with most other TeamConnection operations, there are two ways you can create a
parser: using the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line interface.
To create a parser using the GUI:
1. From the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window, select Parsers Create.
2. On the Create Parser window, type the requested information.
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