The current TeamConnection user. Required for all commands.
The current TeamConnection release. Required for all commands.
The current TeamConnection component. Required for all commands.
The name of the current TeamConnection work area. NULL is the default if a
work area is not specified.
Root of the work directory. Required for all commands.
The path and file name of the import rules file. Required for all Import Makefile.
DPATH Includes all work directories for the WorkFrame project. Required for Import
Makefile only if the project has more than one work directory. DPATH may
already be set in the environment.
Each time you change the TC command parameters, you must also change the
appropriate environment variable before selecting that TC action.
If you are using multiple directories in the WorkFrame project, you must set the
TC_TOP environment variable to specify the top directory structure for each directory
that you use.
Using your TeamConnection WorkFrame project
You can perform a set of TeamConnection actions from within your project:
v “Project actions” lists the actions you can perform without selecting a part.
v “Part actions” on page 247 lists the actions you can perform against a selected
TeamConnection part.
Project actions
WorkFrame/NT has three project actions. They are:
1. Invoke the TeamConnection GUI
2. Show all parts from current context
3. Build All (build project target)
246 User’s Guide