
From a command line, she issues the following command:
teamc part -build brain.exe -release robot_control -workarea 0105 -pool normal
Carol runs some simple regression tests to verify that the application built properly. She
is satisfied with the results, and is ready for the next step — committing the driver
changes to the release.
Restricting the driver
After all changes have been integrated with the release, Carol needs to make some
final changes before building the driver. To enable her to make these changes while
protecting the driver from access by anyone else, she needs to restrict access to it. She
does one of the following:
From the GUI, she:
1. Selects Drivers Restrict from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.
2. Types 0105 in the Drivers field and robot_control in the Release field.
3. Selects OK.
Figure 37. Build Parts window
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 93