Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases
This section and the one that follows (“Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and
Advanced Customization” on page 121) provide instructions for the members of your
organization, referred to as the
Lotus Notes Database Administrator
brevity’s sake, who will be responsible for accessing the Integrated Notes Database
code shipped with TeamConnection, customizing predefined database templates to best
serve your project’s needs, and maintaining your organization’s production integrated
Important notice to administrators
For any administrative activities that involve teamc.nsf and fhcnotes.ntf, you can
locate these files on the TeamConnection server in the NLS\CFG\[LANG] path
($TC_HOME/NLS/CFG/[LANG] for UNIX platforms), where [LANG] specifies the
language directory for your version of the product (ENU or en_US, for example).
As the designated administrator works through the tasks described in this section, it
may become apparent that other members of the organization should assume the role
of individual database owner, and make decisions that affect specific databases. This
segmentation or hierarchy should become more apparent as the tasks described move
from installation and setup issues to those that involve design and maintenance.
After you have installed TeamConnection and verified the items listed in “Prerequisites
and dependencies” on page 104, you can proceed to performing administrative tasks
necessary to activate this feature from a Notes standpoint. This is likely to be staged
process. After loading initial database templates, as described in “Initializing the original
template and creating a database” on page 112, you can begin the recursive process of
customization and tuning. Setup for the initialization stage is required. Design strategies
and advanced customization (which is optional) are described in detail in “Chapter 9.
Database Design Strategies and Advanced Customization” on page 121.
The primary administrative tasks discussed in this section are summarized in Figure 42
on page 112:
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