Writing ARM and Thumb Assembly Language
2-28 Copyright © 2000, 2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0068B
Placing literal pools
The assembler places a literal pool at the end of each section. These are defined by the
directive at the start of the following section, or by the
directive at the end of
the assembly. The
directive at the end of an included file does not signal the end of
a section.
In large sections the default literal pool can be out of range of one or more
instructions. The offset from the pc to the constant must be:
• less than 4KB in ARM state, but can be in either direction
• forward and less than 1KB in Thumb state.
When an
LDR Rd,=const
pseudo-instruction requires the constant to be placed in a literal
pool, the assembler:
• Checks if the constant is available and addressable in any previous literal pools.
If so, it addresses the existing constant.
• Attempts to place the constant in the next literal pool if it is not already available.
If the next literal pool is out of range, the assembler generates an error message. In this
case you must use the
directive to place an additional literal pool in the code. Place
directive after the failed
pseudo-instruction, and within 4KB (ARM) or
1KB (Thumb). Refer to LTORG on page 7-14 for a detailed description.
You must place literal pools where the processor does not attempt to execute them as
instructions. Place them after unconditional branch instructions, or after the return
instruction at the end of a subroutine.
Example 2-5 shows how this works in practice. It is supplied as
in the
subdirectory of the ADS. The instructions listed as comments are the
ARM instructions that are generated by the assembler. Refer to Code examples on
page 2-2 for instructions on how to assemble, link, and execute the example.
Example 2-5
ENTRY ; Mark first instruction to execute
start BL func1 ; Branch to first subroutine
BL func2 ; Branch to second subroutine
stop MOV r0, #0x18 ; angel_SWIreason_ReportException
LDR r1, =0x20026 ; ADP_Stopped_ApplicationExit
SWI 0x123456 ; ARM semihosting SWI
LDR r0, =42 ; => MOV R0, #42
LDR r1, =0x55555555 ; => LDR R1, [PC, #offset to
; Literal Pool 1]