ARM VERSION 1.2 Computer Hardware User Manual

Writing ARM and Thumb Assembly Language
ARM DUI 0068B Copyright © 2000, 2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-33
Example 2-7 ARM code jump table
AREA Jump, CODE, READONLY ; Name this block of code
CODE32 ; Following code is ARM code
num EQU 2 ; Number of entries in jump table
ENTRY ; Mark first instruction to execute
start ; First instruction to call
MOV r0, #0 ; Set up the three parameters
MOV r1, #3
MOV r2, #2
BL arithfunc ; Call the function
stop MOV r0, #0x18 ; angel_SWIreason_ReportException
LDR r1, =0x20026 ; ADP_Stopped_ApplicationExit
SWI 0x123456 ; ARM semihosting SWI
arithfunc ; Label the function
CMP r0, #num ; Treat function code as unsigned integer
MOVHS pc, lr ; If code is >= num then simply return
ADR r3, JumpTable ; Load address of jump table
LDR pc, [r3,r0,LSL#2] ; Jump to the appropriate routine
DoAdd ADD r0, r1, r2 ; Operation 0
MOV pc, lr ; Return
DoSub SUB r0, r1, r2 ; Operation 1
MOV pc, lr ; Return
END ; Mark the end of this file