Issue 1.0 December 2003 25
29. The extract process continues and the following message is displayed:
Extracting the administration files will take several minutes. When finished, the
following messages are displayed:
30. The extract process checks to see if Visual Vectors server software is currently
installed on the system. If Visual Vectors server software is detected, the following
message is displayed:
31. The extract process continues and the following messages are displayed:
32. The extract process checks to see if the /etc/hosts file is a symbolic link to the
/etc/inet/hosts file. If it is not a symbolic link, the following message is displayed:
Please wait as administration files are extracted ...
NOTE: Be sure to review the cvuelog for any files
to be merged manually in the upgraded system.
CUE has detected the existence of the Visual Vectors package.
Files under the /opt/cc/aas/vector directory will be preserved
during this upgrade.
NN blocks
NNNNN blocks
One or more differences were found between
the /etc/hosts and the /etc/inet/hosts files.
The /etc/hosts file has been preserved
and placed in the /manual_merge directory.
The /etc/inet/hosts file has been preserved
and will be placed in /etc/inet/hosts in the upgraded system.
Please review the /manual_merge/README file
to see a more detailed report of the difference(s).
IMPORTANT: The customer is responsible for determining
the proper entries in the /etc/inet/hosts file
and must link /etc/hosts to it for system conformity.