Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
Page 5-42 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
The options (m,i,and o) are for ISDN lines only, and may not be supported on
all protocol variants.
tr 34 Display information about trunk 34.
tr 34 d Display a hex dump of trunk 34.
tr 34 m Place trunk in maintenance mode.
tr 34 o Place layer 2 for trunk 34 “out of service.”
tr 34 I Place later 2 for trunk 34 “in service.”
Displays a variety of configuration information:
Table 5-27: Trunk Trace STUFF.
Command Description
d Display hex dump.
m Place specified ISDN trunk in Maintenance mode.
i Place specified ISDN trunk In Service.
o Place specified ISDN trunk Out of Service.
Not all ISDN protocols sup-
port the above commands.
Table 5-28: Configuration.
Command Description
Name The LOCNAME field in the Dialing Rules file (/usr/
home/cpstsp/cps01/cfg/tsp.cnf). This field usually
holds the name of the customer.
Version The TSP release name, date of the last revision,
and host name.
Country The Country where the TSP is located.
Uptime The days, hours, minutes, and seconds the TSP
has been running.
campoffset Index for the first Campaign on this TSP.
Index for the 1
Station on this TSP
Index for the 1
Trunk on this TSP.
nstations Number of configured Stations.