k Calculating the Root
This feature provides a number of different methods for analyzing graphs.
Set Up
1. From the Main Menu, enter the GRAPH mode.
2. Draw the graphs.
3. Select the analysis function.
!5(G-SLV)1(ROOT) ... Calculation of root
2(MAX) ... Local maximum value
3(MIN) ... Local minimum value
4(Y-ICPT) ... y-intercept
5(ISCT) ... Intersection of two graphs
6(g)1(Y-CAL) ... y-coordinate for given x-coordinate
6(g)2(X-CAL) ... x-coordinate for given y-coordinate
6(g)3(∫dx) ... Integral value for a given range
4. When there are multiple graphs on the screen, the selection cursor (k) is located at
the lowest numbered graph. Press f and c to move the cursor to the graph you
want to select.
5. Press w to select the graph where the cursor is located and display the value
produced by the analysis.
When an analysis produces multiple values, press e to calculate the next value.
Pressing d returns to the previous value.
Function Analysis