90 Control Panel
After this is displayed, press the SetD (Top of Form) button to print all current
This setting is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode.
This setting is available only when the optional perforation cutter (#C81570X)
is installed.
These settings are available only when the optional Print Server is installed.
This setting is available only when the optional Print Server is installed and the
Get IP address setting is set to Panel or PING.
This menu appears by pressing the Menu (Tear Off and Top of Form) buttons
in the SelecType mode.
Page length for rear tractor
This setting allows you to set the page length (in inches) for the
continuous paper loaded on the rear push tractor.
Page length for front tractor
This setting allows you to set the page length (in inches) for the
continuous paper loaded on the front push tractor.
Skip over perforation
When you turn on this feature, the printer provides a one-inch
(25.4 mm) margin between the last line printed on one page and
the first line printed on the next page. Because most application
program margin settings override margin settings from the
control panel, you should use this setting only if you cannot set
your top and bottom margins using your application.
IP address
*5 to
Subnet mask
*4 to
Default gateway
*4 to
Save settings?
Yes, No
Menu Values (default in bold)