CHAPTER 1 REMCS Service Overview
1.1 Purpose of REMCS Service
REMCS Service Overview CHAPTER 1
This chapter provides an overview of the REMCS service.
1.1 Purpose of REMCS Service
The REMCS service connects your PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series to the REMCS Center, a total support center
for Fujitsu customers, through the Internet or P-P (point to point) connection to enable the system to send
server configuration information and automatically report failures when they occur. The REMCS service is
thus intended to facilitate prompt responses and solutions to problems.
To receive the REMCS service, you will need a relevant service agreement with Fujitsu. Users without an
agreement may register with the REMCS Center (registration) but cannot receive the service. For details on
the service, contact the distributor where you purchased your product or your sales representative.
1.2 REMCS Linkage Overview
REMCS Agent reports resource information or problems in a partition to the REMCS Center in linkage with
theMMB. REMCS Agent reports error information, log information, and other information of the
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series system to the REMCS Center via the Internet or P-P (point to point) connection.
FIGURE 1.1 REMCS linkage
REMCS Agent of the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series consists of the MMB firmware and SVS installed in each
partition. As the REMCS linkage in the figure shows, the MMB firmware monitors the entire system for
problems, and reports them to the REMCS Center when it detects them. SVS notifies the REMCS Center of
hardware problem information and hardware configuration information detected by the operating system in
the partition via the MMB firmware.
1.2.1 Components implementing the REMCS function
The REMCS functions of the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series are implemented by the following components: