Chapter 20 Backplane Replacement 20-25
FIGURE 20-15 FANBP Mounting Locations (Rear of M9000 with the Expansion Cabinet)
TABLE 20-3 lists the abbreviated names and component numbers of the FANBPs.
TABLE 20-3 Abbreviated Names and Component Numbers of the FANBPs
Model name Abbreviated names and numbers
M8000 FANBP_C#0 (front), FANBP_C#1 (rear)
M9000 with the base cabinet FANBP_A, FANBP_B
M9000 with the expansion cabinet (base cabinet side) FANBP_A#0, FANBP_B#0
M9000 with the expansion cabinet (expansion cabinet side) FANBP_A#1, FANBP_B#1
Expansion cabinet
Base cabinet