HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1000 Printer User Manual

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the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company.
The information contained in this document is subject to change
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HP Customer Care
We’re delighted that you’ve chosen an HP PhotoSmart 1000 color
printer. To help ensure trouble-free performance, your HP product
comes with award-winning HP Customer Care.
Help Us Help You Better
Before you contact HP Customer Care, we’d like to ask you to do a
few things. Record your printer’s:
Serial number _______________________
Model number_______________________
Purchase date _______________________
Review this User’s Guide. The fastest way to solve problems is to
consult “Troubleshooting” on page 65.
HP Customer Care Online
Click your way to a great solution! HP Customer Care Online
) is a great place to start for answers to
questions about your HP color printer—24 hours a day, 7 days a
week. See the inside back cover for a list of international Web site
HP Customer Care User Forums
Share in the great ideas and smart suggestions forum moderators and
fellow users offer. Review existing messages left by other HP product
owners or post your own questions, then check back later for ideas
and suggestions. Access the forums directly through
HP Customer Care by Phone
Call us direct and connect to a service technician who specializes in
your product and who can typically answer your questions in one
phone call. See the inside back cover for a list of phone numbers.