HP (Hewlett-Packard) 500 Printer User Manual

3/27/97 11:13 am Final version given to printer
HP Company Confidential
4. Copying
Darkening and lightening
(Contrast setting)
Before beginning to copy, change this setting if you want the copy to
be darker or lighter than your original document.
Press the
to select Contrast.
1, 2, or 3
to select the Contrast you want:
1 = Normal (the factory setting)
2 = Lighten
3 = Darken
Note: When you change the Contrast setting, it will stay at that setting
until you change it again.
Automatic collating
Copies made from the keypad will be automatically collated (printed
in sets), with one exception: When the Photo setting is selected for the
Resolution using the
button (described previ-
ously under “Optimizing the quality”), copies will not be collated.
For examples of page number sequences when collating is on and off,
refer to “Collating: On or Off” later in this chapter.
Use this Resolution:* For this result:
Standard, Fine, or
300 dpi
(factory setting)
(All three settings scan at
up to 300 dpi)
Best quality for words and for simple line
drawings (factory setting).
Use any of these three settings when the quality
of the words and simple line drawings is more
important than quality of photographs and more
complex graphics.
Your document will be scanned at up to 300 dpi
no matter which of these three Resolution settings
is selected.
(Scans as a grayscale image
at up to 300 dpi)
Best quality for photographs and for more
complex graphics.
Use this setting when the quality of photographs
and graphics in your document is more important
than the quality of the words.
Your document will be scanned as a grayscale
image (which simulates shades of gray) at up to
300 dpi.
* When you change the Resolution setting, it will stay at that setting until you change it.