Selecting print media settings
When a job is sent to the printer, the printer driver controls what paper tray is used to pull media through
the printer. By default, the printer automatically selects the tray, but a specific tray can be chosen based
on three user specified settings: Source, Type, and Size. These settings are available from the
Application Setting dialog box, the Print dialog box, or the printer driver.
Setting Description
Source Directs the printer to pull paper from a user-specified tray. The
printer tries to print from this tray, no matter what type or size
media is loaded in it. However, if the selected tray is configured
from the HP ToolboxFX for a type or size and that does not
match the print job, the printer does not print automatically. To
begin printing, load the selected tray with the correct type or
size of print media for the print job. When loading the tray, the
printer begins printing. If the printer does not begin printing:
Verify the tray configuration matches the size or type of
the print job.
Press OK to have the printer try to print from another tray.
Type or Size Directs the printer to pull paper or print media from the first tray
that is loaded with the type or size that you selected. Always
print by Type for special print media such as labels or
NOTE When the trays have not been configured for
a certain type or size from the HP ToolboxFX, load the
paper or print media into a tray then select the Type
or Size from the Page Setup dialog box, the Print
dialog box, or the printer driver.
NOTE An Administrator or individual user can set
the HP ToolboxFX to direct the MFP to pull from a tray
that is pre-configured for a specified Type or Size.
This is helpful when frequently printing on the same
type of media; a dedicated tray is already pre-
configured for printing.
Printer-driver features
Some printer drivers and some operating systems do not support all of these MFP features.
Task Driver Tab Option
Set custom paper Paper Size is
Print in grayscale Color Print in Grayscale
Create and use watermarks
NOTE For Windows 2000 and
XP environments, Administrator
privileges are required to create
watermarks but are not required
to add existing watermarks to
Effects Watermark
ENWW Print: How do I? 125