Monitoring and Operating the Controller
4/07 UDC2500 Universal Digital Controller Product Manual 119
Contents Definition
ATTENTION Entering “0” will imply an immediate step change in setpoint to
the next soak.
Ramp unit
The ramp unit selection determines the engineering units for the ramp
The selections are:
• TIME = Hours:Minutes (XX:XX) Range: 0-99 hr.:0-59 min
• EU-H = Degrees/Hour OR EU-M = Degrees/Minute (Range – 0-999)
Soak segments
A soak segment is a combination of soak setpoint (value) and a soak duration
• Soaks are even number segments.
• Segment 2 will be the initial soak value and soak time.
• The soak setpoint range value must be within the setpoint high and low
range limits in engineering units.
• Soak time is the duration of the soak and is determined in:
TIME - Hours:Minutes Range = 0-99 hr.:59 min.
Start segment
The start segment number designates the number of the first segment.
Range = 1 to 11
End segment number
The end segment number designates the number of the last segment, it must
be a soak segment (even number). Range = 2 to 12
Recycle number
The recycle number allows the program to recycle a specified number of
times from beginning to end. Range = 0 to 99
Guaranteed soak
All soak segments can have a deviation value of from 0 to ± 99 (specified by
SOK DEV) which guarantees the value for that segment.
Guaranteed soak deviation values >0 guarantee that the soak segment’s
process variable is within the ± deviation for the configured soak time.
Whenever the ± deviation is exceeded, soak timing is frozen.
There are no guaranteed soaks whenever the deviation value is configured to
0, (that is, soak segments start timing soak duration as soon as the soak
setpoint is first reached, regardless of where the process variable remains
relative to the soak segment).
The soak deviation value is the number in engineering units, above or below
the setpoint, outside of which the timer halts. The range is 0 to ± 99.
The decimal location corresponds to input 1 decimal selection.
PV Start
This function determines whether LSP1 or PV is used as the setpoint when
the program is initially changed from HOLD to RUN.
The selections are:
DISABL = When the program is initially changed from HOLD to RUN the
present LSP1 value is captured as the default setpoint. If the
program is terminated or the power cycled before the program has
completed, the LSP1 is used as the control setpoint. The
beginning segment uses this value as the initial ramp setpoint.