52 Océ TDS400 User Manual
Copy jobs
Your printer system has a 1 roll or 2 roll unit. Use the Media key, on the scanner
operator panel, to select a roll, or to select the manual feed on the printer.
Note: You must set the media type on the printer.
You can make 1:1 copies and you can decrease or increase your original from
25% to 400%. You can set the zoom value in fixed steps or in% steps. The
default zoom is set in the Océ Settings Editor.
The Océ TDS400 cuts the paper to the length of the original, the synchro cut.
If you select the standard cut mode, the copy is cut at a standard length, (see
‘Set synchro or standard cut’ on page 64).
The automatic exposure gives background-free copies from most
line-drawings. Select the correct original type if you have an extremely dark or
light original, or an original with pasted parts or photographs (see ‘The
exposure settings’ on page 58).
With the Océ TDS400 you can do a number of basic tasks. These tasks include:
■ Turn on, turn off the scanner
■ Make copies
■ Select the required media
■ Select the manual feed
■ Specify the zoom factor
■ Select the exposure setting
■ Select to add or remove a strip
■ Select the input mode
■ Select the output mode
■ Select extra settings
■ Deliver originals after scanning
■ Define settings for the next original
■ Select autofeed of the original
■ Stop a copy job