Appendix A Specifications for AT-MIO-16E-10 and AT-MIO-16DE-10
AT-MIO/AI E Series User Manual A-14
National Instruments Corporation
Data transfers.....................................DMA, interrupts,
programmed I/O
DMA modes.......................................Single transfer
Transfer Characteristics
Relative accuracy (INL)
After calibration.................................±0.3 LSB typ, ±0.5 LSB max
Before calibration ..............................±4 LSB max
After calibration ......................... ±0.3 LSB typ, ±1.0 LSB max
Before calibration....................... ±3 LSB max
Monotonicity .....................................12 bits, guaranteed after
Offset error
After calibration ......................... ±1.0 mV max
Before calibration....................... ±200 mV max
Gain error (relative to internal reference)
After calibration ......................... ±0.01% of output max
Before calibration....................... ±0.5% of output max
Gain error
(relative to external reference) ...........0% to +0.5% of output max,
not adjustable
Voltage Output
Ranges ...............................................±10 V, 0 to 10 V, ±EXTREF,
(software selectable)
Output coupling .................................DC
Output impedance ..............................0.1 Ω max
Current drive......................................±5 mA max
Protection...........................................Short-circuit to ground
Power-on state ...................................0 V