Appendix A Specifications for AT-MIO-16XE-10 and AT-AI-16XE-10
AT-MIO/AI E Series User Manual A-20
National Instruments Corporation
Configuration memory size................512 words
Transfer Characteristics
Relative accuracy...............................±0.75 LSB typ, ±1 LSB max
DNL...................................................±0.5 LSB typ, ±1 LSB max
No missing codes...............................16 bits, guaranteed
Offset error
Pregain error after calibration..... ±3 µV max
Pregain error before calibration .. ±2.2 mV max
Postgain error after calibration ... ±76 µV max
Postgain error before calibration. ±102 mV max
Gain error (relative to calibration reference)
After calibration (gain = 1)......... ±30.5 ppm of reading max
Before calibration....................... ±2,150 ppm of reading max
With gain error adjusted to 0 at gain = 1
Gain ≠ 1...................................... ±200 ppm of reading
Amplifier Characteristics
Input impedance
Normal, powered on ................... 100 GΩ in parallel with 100 pF
Powered off ................................ 820 Ω min
Overload..................................... 820 Ω min
Input bias current ...............................±1 nA
Input offset current ............................±2 nA
CMRR, DC to 60 Hz
Gain = 1...................................... 92 dB
Gain = 2...................................... 97 dB
Gain = 5...................................... 101 dB
Gain = 10.................................... 104 dB
Gain = 20.................................... 105 dB
Gain = 50.................................... 105 dB
Gain = 100.................................. 105 dB