NCR 7870 Scanner User Manual

Chapter 7: Programming 7-39
RS-232 Parameters 1
The RS-232 Parameters 1 programming mode contains four of the
parameters required for RS-232 communications. From this
programming mode you can select the Baud Rate, Parity, Stop Bits and
Character Length, and Handshake Options.
Parameter Default Value
Baud Rate 9600
Parity Odd
Stop Bits and Character Length 1 Stop Bit,
7-Bit Character
Handshake RTS High,
Wait for CTS
Specific Program Parameters
Baud Rate
The Baud Rate parameter contains seven selections: 300 Baud,
600 Baud, 1200 Baud, 2400 Baud, 4800 Baud, 9600 Baud, and
19200 Baud. Scan the appropriate Hex 0 through Hex 6 tag to set the
desired Baud rate. The default is 9600 Baud.
The Parity parameter contains three selections: Odd, Even, and None.
For 7-bit characters, bit 8 is the parity bit; for 8-bit characters, bit 9 is
the parity bit. Choosing no parity and 7-bit character length causes the
scanner/scale to send two stop bits; the scanner/scale must also
receive two stop bits. Scan the appropriate Hex 0, Hex 1, or Hex 4 tag
to select the desired Parity. The default is Odd.