Faxing: Dial Directories 27
Faxing: Dial Directories
This chapter explains how to make faxing easier by
programming frequently used fax numbers into the One
Touch keys and the Auto Dial numbers available in your
OKIFAX 5050. It also explains how to organize the
programmed numbers into groups for easier faxing to
multiple locations.
Programming One Touch Keys
You can store up to two fax numbers with 32 digits in
each One Touch key: a main number and an optional al-
ternate number which will be called if the main number is
busy. You can also enter a 16-character Location ID
(name) for each One Touch key.
■ The OKIFAX 5050 has 15 locations available.
Note: To find One Touch keys that are not yet pro-
grammed, repeatedly press the Search key.
1 Press the Select Function key.
2 Press the 8/+/Location Program One Touch key. The
3 Press a One Touch key to program.
4 The display briefly shows NO=<FAX NO.>,
ID=<LOCATION ID> (or a previously programmed
fax number and Location ID).
5 After the display clears, enter the main fax number. Refer
to the instructions below.
To Do This Use
Enter numbers Numeric keypad (press once)
Enter spaces 14/Space One Touch key
Enter hyphens (-) Hyphen key
Enter pauses (i.e., to wait for
15/Pause One Touch key
long distance or outside lines)
Add a switch from pulse */Tone key
to tone dialing for part
of the call
Move the cursor to Yes ᮤ and No
make corrections
6 Press the Start key to enter the number.
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