36 Faxing: Basic Operations
Use the following procedure:
1 Load the document.
2 Enter the fax number using the numerical keypad.
3 Press the Copy key. The display shows ONE TOUCH
NO.[01]. The number in brackets is the next unpro-
grammed One Touch key number. If all the One Touch
keys are programmed, the display shows AUTO DIAL
NO.[01], with the number of the next unprogrammed
Auto Dial number.
4 Press Yes ᮤ to program the location to the number
shown. Or press Search to cycle through the available
unprogrammed keys/numbers, then press Yes ᮤ to
program to the number you want. Press No ᮣ to stop
the process.
5 The display reads NO=5551212 [the fax number you
entered] ID=. Press Start, then enter the location ID. This
is a descriptive title up to 15 characters long. Refer to the
instructions below.
To Do This Use
Enter numbers Numeric keypad (press once)
Enter spaces Space One Touch key
Enter hyphens (-) Hyphen key
Enter alphabetical Locate the character you want on the numeric
characters keypad. Press that key repeatedly until the
character appears on the display.
Enter a unique Press the 0/Unique key repeatedly until the
character character you want appears. The following
characters are available: ! # & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ;
= ? · ä ß ñ ö ü Æ Å Ø æ å ø.
Enter two successive Press the No ᮣ key to move to the next
letters/numbers on character.
the same key
Move the cursor to Yes ᮤ and No ᮣ keys
make corrections
6 Press Start. The display shows NO=<LOCATION>.
7 Press Start. The display shows PROGRAMMING, then
DIALING, and the OKIFAX dials the number and sends
the fax.
Receiving Faxes Manually
If your OKIFAX is set to the manual receive
[TEL] mode,
it treats all incoming calls as voice conversations, and does
not automatically receive faxes.
Note: You must have a handset connected to the OKIFAX
in order to receive faxes manually.
To receive a fax while in manual receive mode:
1 When your telephone or fax machine rings, pick up the
telephone handset connected to it. If a person is on the
line, carry on your conversation.
2 If a remote fax machine is on the line, or if a person
wishes to fax you a document after a conversation, press
the Start key.
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