30 Faxing: Dial Directories
6 After the display clears, enter the fax number.
Refer to the instructions below.
To Do This Use
Enter numbers Numeric keypad (press once)
Enter spaces Space One Touch key
Enter hyphens (-) Hyphen key
Enter pauses (i.e., to Pause key
wait for long distance
or outside lines)
Add a switch from */Tone key
pulse to tone dialing
for part of the call
Move the cursor to Yes ᮤ and No
make corrections
7 Press the Start key to register the number.
8 Enter the Location ID. This is a descriptive title up to 16
characters long. Refer to the instructions below.
To Do This Use
Enter numbers Numeric keypad (press once)
Enter spaces Space One Touch key
Enter hyphens Hyphen key
Enter alphabetical Locate the character you want on the numeric
characters keypad. Press that key repeatedly until the
character appears.
Enter a unique Press the 0/Unique key repeatedly until the
character. character you want appears. The following
characters are available: ! # & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ;
= ? · ä ß ñ ö ü Æ Å Ø æ å ø.
Enter two successive Press the No
key to move to the next letters/
numbers on character.
the same key
Move the cursor to Yes ᮤ and No
make corrections
Press the Start key to finish programming the One Touch
key. The display shows AUTO DIAL NO. [ ].
10 To continue programming Auto Dial numbers, go back
to Step 4. If you are finished, press the Select Function
Programming Groups
This feature allows you to create groups of fax numbers
you have already programmed as One Touch keys or Auto
Dial numbers. You can send the same fax to all the num-
bers in the group with one operation. This is useful if, for
example, you need to send weekly status updates to all the
members of a team working in separate locations.
■ You can program up to ten groups into your OKIFAX.
■ The OKIFAX 5050 can have up to 79 locations per group.
Note: This is different from relay broadcasting, where one
fax is sent to a remote machine, which then relays it to a
group of fax numbers.
1 Press the Select Function key.
2 Press the 8/Location Prog. One Touch key. The display
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