3-5-10 TERMINAL Mode Key Bits
If the Programming Console is mounted to the PC and is in TERMINAL mode,
any inputs on keys 0 through 9 (including characters A through F, i.e., keys 0
through 5 with SHIFT) will turn on a corresponding bit in AR 22. TERMINAL
mode is entered by a Programming Console operation.
The bits in AR 22 correspond to Programming Console inputs as follows:
Bit Programming Console input
AR 2200 0
AR 2201 1
AR 2202 2
AR 2203 3
AR 2204 4
AR 2205 5
AR 2206 6
AR 2207 7
AR 2208 8
AR 2209 9
AR 2210 A
AR 2211 B
AR 2212 C
AR 2213 D
AR 2214 E
AR 2215 F
Refer to Section 7 Program Monitoring and Execution for details on the TERMI-
NAL mode.
3-5-11 Power OFF Counter
AR 23 provides in 4-digit BCD the number of times that the PC power has been
turned OFF. This counter can be reset as necessary using the PV Change 1 op-
eration from the Programming Console. (Refer to 7-2-4 Hexadecimal/BCD Data
Modification for details.) The Power OFF Counter is refreshed every time power
is turned ON.
3-5-12 SYSMAC LINK – Peripheral Device Flags
A Peripheral Device can be used through the SYSMAC LINK System from only
one port at a time. When changing the port from which the Peripheral Device is
being used, turn ON the SYSMAC LINK – Peripheral Device Initialization Bit
(AR 2403).
Bit Function
AR 2400 SYSMAC LINK – RS-232C Peripheral Device Flag
(This flag is turned ON when a Peripheral Device is being used through
the SYSMAC LINK System from the RS-232C port.)
AR 2401 SYSMAC LINK – Port A Peripheral Device Flag
(This flag is turned ON when a Peripheral Device is being used through
the SYSMAC LINK System from Communications Board port A.)
AR 2402 SYSMAC LINK – Port B Peripheral Device Flag
(This flag is turned ON when a Peripheral Device is being used through
the SYSMAC LINK System form Communications Board port B.)
AR 2403 SYSMAC LINK – Peripheral Device Initialization Bit
(Turn this bit ON to initialize the usage of a Peripheral Device through the
AR (Auxiliary Relay) Area Section 3-5