The Error History Area can be reset by turning ON and then OFF
AR 0714 (Error History Reset Bit). When this is done, the Record Pointer will be
reset to 0000, the Error History Area will be reset (i.e., cleared), and any further
error codes will be recorded from the beginning of the Error History Area.
AR 0715 (Error History Enable Bit) must be ON to reset the Error History Area.
3-6-4 PC Setup
The PC Setup (DM 6600 through DM 6655) contains settings that determine PC
operation. Data in the PC Setup can be changed with a Programming Console or
SSS if UM is not write-protected by pin 1 of the CPU Unit’s DIP switch. Refer to
page 20 for details on changing DIP switch pin settings.
The data in DM 6600 through DM 6634 can be set or changed only when the PC
is in PROGRAM mode. The data in DM 6635 through DM 6655 can be set or
changed when the PC is in PROGRAM or MONITOR mode. The following words
can be changed from the SYSMAC Support Software’s PC Setup menu. (The
PC must be in PROGRAM mode.)
1, 2, 3... 1. Startup mode (DM 6600)
2. Startup mode designation (DM 6601)
3. Cycle monitor time (DM 6618)
4. Cycle time setting (DM 6619)
5. RS-232C Port Settings (DM 6645 through DM 6649)
The PC can be operated with the default PC Setup, which requires changing
only when customizing the PC’s operating environment to application needs.
The PC Setup parameters are described in the following table.
If there is an error in the settings in DM 6600 to DM 6655, a non-fatal error (error
code 9B) will occur when the data is read by the PC and one of the flags from
SR 27500 to SR 27502 will turn ON to indicate the location of the error. If there is
an error in the settings in DM 6550 to DM 6559, a non-fatal error (error code 9C)
will occur.
Word(s) Bit(s) Function Default
Startup Processing (DM 6600 to DM 6612)
The following settings are accessed only once when the PC is turned ON.
DM 6600 00 to 07 Startup mode (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 02).
08 to 15 Startup mode designation
00: Programming Console switch
01: Continue operating mode last used before power was turned off
02: Setting in 00 to 07
Console switch
DM 6601 00 to 07 Reserved ---
08 to 11 IOM Hold Bit (SR 25212) Status
0: Reset; 1: Maintain
12 to 15 Forced Status Hold Bit (SR 25211) Status
0: Reset; 1: Maintain
DM (Data Memory) Area Section 3-6