26406: SR 26406 will be turned ON when data has been received normally at
the peripheral port and will be reset when the data is read using
RXD(––) is executed.
265: SR 265 contains the number of bytes received at the RS-232C port and
is reset to 0000 when RXD(––) is executed.
Note Communications flags and counters can be cleared either by specifying 0000 for
N or using the Port Reset Bit (SR 25208 for peripheral port and SR 25209 for
RS-232C port).
5-27-2 TRANSMIT – TXD(––)
S: First source word
C: Control word
IR, SR, AR, DM, HR, TC, LR, #
Ladder Symbols
Operand Data Areas
N: Number of bytes
IR, SR, AR, DM, HR, TC, LR, #
Limitations S and S+(N÷2)–1 must be in the same data area.
N must be BCD from #0000 to #0256. (#0000 to #0061 in host link mode)
Description When the execution condition is OFF, TXD(––) is not executed. When the
execution condition is ON, TXD(––) reads N bytes of data from words S to
S+(N÷2)–1, converts it to ASCII, and outputs the data from the specified port.
TXD(––) operates differently in host link mode and RS-232C mode, so these
modes are described separately.
Note The following flags will be ON to indicate that communications are possible
through the various ports. Be sure the corresponding flag is ON before executing
SR 26405: RS-232C port
SR 26413: Peripheral port
SR 26705: Host Link Unit #0
SR 26713: Host Link Unit #1
Host Link Mode N must be BCD from #0000 to #0061 (i.e., up to 122 bytes of ASCII). The value of
the control word determines the port from which data will be output, as shown
Byte order 0: Most significant bytes first
1: Least significant bytes first
CTS and DSR signal monitoring (see note)
0: Don’t monitor CTS and DSR signals.
1: Monitor the CTS signal. (Output to bit 15 of D.)
2: Monitor the DSR signal. (Output to bit 15 of D.)
3: Monitor the CTS and DSR signals. (Output to bits 15 and 14 of D.)
Auxiliary reception port (when DR-15 is 0.)
0: Internal RS-232C port
1: Communications port A
2: Communications port B
Port 0: RS-232C port
1: Peripheral port
2: Specifies Host Link Unit #0
3: Specifies Host Link Unit #1
Digit number: 3210
Serial Communications Instructions Section 5-27