Although each of them contains a different record, the structure of each record is
the same: the first word contains the error code; the second and third words, the
day and time. The error code will be either one generated by the system or by
FAL(06)/FALS(07); the time and date will be the date and time from AR 18 and
AR 19 (Calender/date Area). Also recorded with the error code is an indication of
whether the error is fatal (08) or non-fatal (00). This structure is shown below.
Word Bit Content
First 00 to 07 Error code
08 to 15 00 (non-fatal) or 80 (fatal)
Second 00 to 07 Seconds
08 to 15 Minutes
Third 00 to 07 Hours
08 to 15 Day of month
The following table lists the possible error codes and corresponding errors.
Error severity Error code Error
Fatal errors 00 Power interruption
01 to 99 or 9F System error (FALS)
C0 to C3 I/O bus error
E0 Input-output I/O table error
E1 Too many Units
F0 No END(01) instruction
F1 Memory error
Non-fatal errors 01 to 99 System error (FAL)
8A Interrupt Input error
8B Interrupt program error
9A Group 2 High-density I/O error
9B PC Setup error
9C Communications Board error
9D UM Memory Cassette transfer error
B0 to B1 Remote I/O error
D0 Special I/O error
E7 I/O table verification error
F7 Battery error
F8 Cycle time overrun
Operation When the first error code is generated with AR 0715 (Error History Enable Bit)
turned ON, the relevant data will be placed in the error record after the one indi-
cated by the History Record Pointer (initially this will be record 1) and the Pointer
will be incremented. Any other error codes generated thereafter will be placed in
consecutive records until the last one is used. Processing of further error records
is based on the status of AR 0713 (Error History Overwrite Bit).
If AR 0713 is ON and the Pointer contains 000A, the next error will be written into
record 10, the contents of record 10 will be moved to record 9, and so on until the
contents of record 1 is moved off the end and lost, i.e., the area functions like a
shift register. The Record Pointer will remain set to 000A.
If AR 0713 is OFF and the Pointer reaches 000A, the contents of the Error Histo-
ry Error will remain as it is and any error codes generate thereafter will not be
recorded until AR 0713 is turned OFF or until the Error History Area is reset.
DM (Data Memory) Area Section 3-6