NetWare Version 4.x and 5.x PSERVER Setup
npsh unitname
Starts a Telnet-like session with the named print server, allowing
you to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the unit with the built-in
command set.
npsh unitname command
Initiates a single command with guest access only to the unit
instead of entering into a complete session.
To communicate with the unit using npsh.exe:
1. From a DOS prompt on a Novell workstation, begin an npsh
session with the unit:
npsh unitname
Starts a Telnet-like session with the named print server with
guest access only.
2. To obtain root access to the unit, type:
A standard login screen displays prompting you for the login
name and password.
3. Log in to the unit as root user:
NOTE: Root users require the use of a password as configured in
the unit user list.
4. Enter the password. If this password is not yet set, press
ENTER at the password prompt. Otherwise, enter the
password that is already stored in the unit:
You are now logged in to the unit as a root user and can access
any npsh command on the unit.
NOTE: Because npsh.exe makes use of broadcasts, you may
have problems communicating across a router.