Purpose Selects typefaces other than the default Gothic font.
Format (cc)FONT [;FACE #] [;BOLD #] [;SLANT #] [;SYMSET #] [;POINT #]
NOTE: The font is activated according to the changed options upon receipt of the
font command.
(cc) The Special Function Control Character. (If you are
using the Font command in the CREATE mode, do not
enter the SFCC.)
FONT The Font command; enter FONT.
FACE # Identifies the specific typeface. Enter FACE, a space,
and the 5 digit typeface number representing the
selected typeface.
93952 = Courier Bold
93779 = Letter Gothic Bold
Other font numbers correspond to optional typefaces.
Refer to the font instructions (that come packaged with
the optional font external memory modules) for
typeface numbers.
See Appendix D.
Do not use this command to select OCR–A and
OCR–B. Instead, use either the Cn parameter in the
Alphanumerics command or use the Compressed Print
Density command.
NOTE: The font # range 1–99 is reserved for HP LaserJet II downloadable
fonts (refer to page 3–5, in Chapter 3).