Printronix ThermaLine Series Printer User Manual

Form Examples and Exercises6–20
Creating a Box and Corners
1. On your host computer, open/create a file for your practice form. For
Enter Format
PRACTC.FRM (system format)
2. Enter the Create Form mode, and specify a form name. This is the first
input for every new form. Use the Create command and PRACTICE as
the form name.
Enter Format
3. The IGP/PGL is now ready for Create Form mode commands. Design a
box with a line thickness (LT) of 2 dots, a top left corner at starting row
(SR) 35, starting column (SC) 16, and a bottom right corner at ending
row (ER) 53, ending column (EC) 61. The STOP command must be
entered to inform the IGP/PGL that the Box command is complete.
Enter Format
2;35;16;53;61 LT;SR;SC;ER;EC
4. Use the Corner command to set the box off with corners having a line
thickness (LT) of 3 dots, a top left corner at row (SR) 30, column (SC)
13, a bottom right corner at row (ER) 57, column (EC) 64, a vertical
length (VL) 5 character spaces long, and a horizontal length (HL) 7
character spaces long. The STOP command must be entered to stop the
Corner command and END must be entered to terminate the Create
Form mode to prepare for printing.
Enter Format
3;30;13;57;64;5;7 LT;SR;SC;ER;EC;VL;HL