c. Replace L with a number equal to the number of
characters in the dynamic alphanumeric string
(STARTDATA) ranging from 1 to 255.
d. Dynamically enter the STEPMASK and
STARTDATA parameters in the Execute Form
mode. The length of the data must be equal to or
less than the value assigned to the length (L)
parameter. Refer to “Execute Form: Incremental
Dynamic Data” on page 4–56 for more
Comments The Incremental Alphanumeric Dynamic Data Fields command is a
variation of the standard IGP/PGL Alphanumeric command, but does not
replace the standard alphanumeric command.
As with standard dynamic data fields, incremental dynamic data fields
allow the starting data to be changed without changing the form definition
program. Increment parameters can also change with each new job without
changing the form definition program.
Duplicating Incremental Alphanumeric Fields – Incremental
alphanumeric fixed and dynamic data fields are duplicated horizontally
using the HDUP command and vertically using the standard VDUP
command. Duplicated incremental fields increment in left–to–right,
top–to–bottom order. The following examples illustrate the results of
duplicated incremental fields.