Printronix ThermaLine Series Printer User Manual

5–121Bar Codes
Incrementing Bar Code Data
The IGP/PGL internally counts incremental static (fixed) bar code data
fields. A maximum of 255 incremental fixed bar code data fields are allowed
per form.
Incrementing is controlled with the STEPMASK and STARTDATA
command parameters as described in Table 5–18. The parameters are part of
the bar code command or part of the Execute command when using the
Incremental Bar Code Dynamic Data command.
The STEPMASK parameter performs three functions:
1. It defines the increment amount (step);
2. It defines the number of characters allowed in the data field
3. It provides a “mask” to link or unlink subfields of data for individual
incremental activity. The data provided in the STEPMASK field
combined with the data in the STARTDATA field determine the result of
these functions.
Table 5–18. Incremental Bar Code Data
0 – 9
0 – 9
0 – 9
A – Z
0 – 9
0 – 9 Not A – Z
or 0 – 9
Not 0 – 9
or L
L Any
Alpha characters are incremented by amount in
Numeric characters are incremented by amount in
character type as character in the next right ad
jacent, linked increment position. Character type is
numeric if in the least significant position.
Non–incrementing alphanumeric character
Linked, non–incrementing alphanumeric character
STEPMASK STARTDATA Character Type and Function