Error Codes8–10
Logo Errors
50 LOGO horizontal width HL > 240 or dot row > HL
a. The horizontal width of the logo is equal to zero or greater than 240.
The IGP/PGL automatically reverts to Normal mode when this occurs.
b. A dot position specified in the logo program exceeds the specified
horizontal width of the logo. When this occurs, the buffer is flushed
until a line terminator is found, and then logo construction continues
51 LOGO vertical length VL > 252 or dot row n > VL
a. The vertical length of the logo is equal to zero or greater than 252. The
IGP/PGL automatically reverts to Normal mode when this occurs.
b. A dot row specified in the logo program exceeds the specified vertical
length of the logo. When this occurs, the buffer is flushed until a line
terminator is found, and then logo construction continues normally.
52 LOGO hyphen syntax error in input parameters
The beginning or ending dots are out of order, or a parameter is missing. The
buffer is flushed until a line terminator is found, and then logo construction
continues normally.
53 Insufficient memory to create the LOGO
No more room exists in IGP/PGL memory to construct a logo for the size
specified. When this occurs, the IGP/PGL automatically reverts to Normal
mode. To create space in IGP/PGL memory, delete forms with logo elements
(including the logos) that are no longer required.
54 LOGO format or delimiter error
Some type of format or delimiter error was detected in the Logo command. If
this occurs while specifying the size and name of the logo, the IGP/PGL
automatically reverts to the Normal mode. If this occurs during the actual
construction of the logo, the buffer is flushed until a line terminator is found,
and then logo construction continues normally.
55 LOGO call not previously defined
An attempt was made in the Create Form mode to incorporate an undefined
logo into a form. This error is not generated during the Logo Form mode.
When this error occurs, the buffer is flushed until a line terminator is found,
and then forms creation continues normally.